do something pretty

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

well, the very first post to my new blog. i was hoping to be able to link it to my website, but stupid ol' freeservers doesn't seem to like it all that much. so nevermind.
did some solarising in photography today, and i don't really like the effect, but it's quite nice to see what can be done in the darkroom.
i was sitting on the bus looking out at the fields and seeing how they had grown creamy yellow in the summer sun, and how the leaves had grown dark and heavy on the trees, but it was like i could FEEl the fields and the trees, the grass and the hedges, i could feel what it was like, i could feel the air and the water and the plants and i could feel HOW THEY WERE. but there was no way i could have described it to you. the closest i got was that it was like the sensation of slowly easing your fingers into a tin of golden syrup. the frustration of physically sensing the world and being at a complete lack to describe it was immense.


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