do something pretty

Thursday, July 08, 2004

why it never occured to me to try carving rubber stamps out of rubbers themselves i don't know. that attempt about a year ago of carving into a cork and getting nowhere was very off putting. but this morning i dug out my scalpel and an old eraser and drew a picture of a swift on the front. it took a while to carve the picture, and then there were quite a few adjustments needed. all in all it must have taken an hour at least. and the result? well, not all that great, but perhaps it has a sort of rustic charm about it. great fun anyway! and think of the possibilities! i think i'll go down to the art shop soon and stock up on some more rubbers, and then try my hand at some other designs. i think i might stick with birds for the moment, and see how it goes. this is so much cheaper and more exciting than buying rubber stamps, and will be great for letters and things.... i am excited by the prospect.


At 11:47 pm, Blogger SwannerTwoer said...

I tried making a stamp out of a rubber to go on the back of my cards, but, errr, it didn't work so I drew a picture up and sent it to a place near my house where they laser your drawing on to a stamp. Mine was of a Burnet moth, but I had to draw it out like 15 times before it was right. But you're right, scapelling rubbers is fun! I tried to cut a swallow out of candle wax the other day, to stick on a card, but the wax kept cracking. Anyway, I am stealing your interests from your profile,...sorry!

At 1:01 pm, Blogger captain scarlet said...

a moth eh? sounds nice! yeah i know what you mean, i had to draw out my design millions of times before it looked right... well, even now it doesn't really look right, but hey! nevermind. i think i've tried carving candle wax before... yes, very tricky!


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