do something pretty

Monday, October 25, 2004

why must everything be about opposites? i wouldn't mind, if they were sort of objective, impersonal floaty things on the edge of my vision, but it does become rather wearing when they will insist on coming up and hitting you in the face. desire and repulsion are uncannily similar, you can change from one to the other and back again without hardly noticing, so similar are they in intensity and tone. i cannot work out which one is real and which is the imposter, as i refuse to accept that i am entertaining both simulaneously. and time is another... how can i sit at 2pm and wish it were 10pm, whilst at the same time hoping that no time ever passes from that moment onwards? what is this, doublethink? it is tiring trying to walk down two paths at once, i would like to be able to commit myself to something definately. we will see what the postman says tomorrow.

meanwhile, perhaps keats has something to say.


At 10:13 pm, Blogger poetpete said...


Hmmm ... between the horns of a dilemma, it seems, Captain. But where would we be without opposites? Take a hill and a plain, for starters. They are the easy ones as you are either in/on one or the other. The more difficult opposites to contend with are, as you intimmate, the one's that have an inherent tension between them, as far as our experience goes. Maybe you can ponder opposites betwen the hours of 2 and 10pm. :)

I am beginning to wonder if you have something unique with the postman? How would it be if your postman was named Keats?

I think our pair of willie wagtails are builing a nest in the shed. There nests are similar in materials to the house martin but they tend to build them central over a branch rather than onto the side of a wall.

I posted about 'our' wedge-tailed eagel today. May interest you as I know you like birds. I didn't write it in my post but two magpies chased it out of the tree and hassled it until it left their area.

Just had a though, about a fence with a gate. They are opposite in function although their form is (very much) the same. And the gate can be locked making it to no longer opposite in function. I wonder what this tells us, if anything? Does it say, for example, that some oopposites are only such if someone chooses them to be so. Definitely must be a poem in that somewhere.

Hope you are doing well, and that your heart and mind are finding a measure of peace over your hilltop experience.


At 7:37 pm, Blogger captain scarlet said...

you know, i definately think there must be something in that fence/gate thing, but i just can't see what!


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