do something pretty

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

so... i've been slacking. i really wish i wouldn't get upset at times like these, because my exam is on friday and i did no work today. i was too sad. i sat in the library in a leather seat and it was so hot the sun shining right onto me and i looked out of the window at a boy and a girl in the road below they seemed to be doing nothing but hugging and kissing with breaks to smile at each other in between.... and i did no work on the bus, i think i was thinking. i shall have to do some tomorrow whether i am content or not. losing yourself in philosophy is no bad thing, i should think, when you can't work out life.
i could see, in the dark grey reflective glass of empty abandoned shop windows on my way to the bus this morning, my own reflection, and red parted lips and eyes raised upwards, and i looked like a painting but i felt like a video. tears prickling in my eyes but not coming.

but we made elderflower drink today, drinking flowers, how wonderful. we collected them in the evening sunlight, and it was all golden. we saw baby frogs, my favourite things. and at home we mixed flowers and lemons and sugar and it was all golden and cream and green and we tried not to see the bugs. perhaps summer will be good (if it smells like that.)

i should go to bed.


At 11:51 pm, Blogger poetpete said...

hmmm.. so much going on but seemingly not on the main prize at the moment. So, H, what is actually going on, or am I left to guess.. is the Significant other in other places insignificant?

sounded like a neat bus ride, I too like serendipitous events like that. i remember watching Rainman movie; ever seen it. There is a scene where Raymond is watching the posts/fence on the side of the road, or bridge, as they drive by in their car -- it is flashing light/dark/light/darkt/ece/tera/ and I siad, I do that. But I can't count matchsticks for nuts.

And why, red parted lips and eyes raised upward? Was this the clamour role of a movie star?

i never drink flowers but I have smoked grass, years ago that is.



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